Manh Choh

Bringing Jobs & Economic Opportunities to Interior Alaska

  • “The Manh Choh project could be a much-needed economic boost for this area of Alaska, and it will also bring lasting infrastructure improvements … all without any negative impact to the environment.” – Deantha Skibinski, Executive Director, Alaska Mining Association 

  • “Manh Choh is more than an economic opportunity and the promise of jobs. It is a legacy project for my people and the surrounding region.” – Chief Michael Sam, Elected Tribal Chief, Native Village of Tetlin

  • “This project plan results in less disturbance of the land, uses existing assets and keeps the Fort Knox mill operational.” – Aaron Schutt, President and CEO, Doyon Limited 

  • “Kinross’ Fort Knox operation has an impeccable safety record and was recognized by the U.S. National Mining Association as the safest large metal mine in the United States.” – Rep. Bart Lebon, Alaska State Legislature


Thank you for your interest in Manh Choh! Kinross is the majority owner and operator of this joint venture with Contango ORE. We’re excited to introduce you to Alaska’s sixth large metal mine, which is truly a direct partnership with the native Village of Tetlin. The project is on land leased from the native village of Tetlin. Mining began in late 2003, with first gold in July 2004. As we have from the beginning,  we are continuing to work and engage with the people of Tetlin as well as the surrounding communities, including those located along the road corridor to our Fort Knox mine in Fairbanks.

This mine brings great benefits for the state, especially for Interior Alaska. Manh Choh creates 400-600 well-paying, year-round jobs and new opportunities with local business use. The mine is expected to produce for 4 to 5 years.

Events & Meetings


Qayaq, Naniq and Manh Choh representatives will be at the job fair to accept applications and answer questions. Resumes are welcome but not required. Can’t make it? Apply directly here.

July 11, 2022

Job Fair | 10 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
@ Manh Choh Tok Office- 1313 Alaska Hwy, Tok AK 99780

Project Updates

What’s Up Next for Manh Choh.

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